A measure of Protection for your Special People and Assets !
Life insurance, upon payment of a premium due, will pay a pre-determined cash amount upon the death of the name insured. Life insurance can be a whole life, term or a universal type. Variations and combinations of these policies exist.
Insurance can replace income of a deceased wage earner, pay off the insureds' debts ( mortgage-car loan) without selling assets, create an education fund or pay current tuition for dependents or spouses, pay final expenses or create a savings fund. You must understand your needs to determine the amount, type (term-permanent) of insurance and number of years coverage needed . We can provide you with worksheets to help you determine an amount of life insurance coverage that you may need.
Term Life
10-20-30 year fixed premium with no cash value accumulation. Low cost as compared to Whole Life insurance
Whole Life Fixed level premium for a level benefit to 100 years old.
Universal Life Combination of Whole Life and Term Life insurance.
How much life insurance do you need ??
A complete insurance application for any policy type must be completed and submitted to the insurance company for approval. In most instances a premium must then be paid before coverage becomes effective.
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